Support Valdez Rising – Suacit


Please fill out the information below to purchase a brick.

Your gift is tax deductible through the Alaska Community Foundation!

Purchase a Brick


Buyer Information

Brick Inscription

Please add your brick inscription below. Inscriptions may include three lines. Each line has a 20-character limit (spaces and punctuation included). If you are giving a gift, include the recipient's name, mailing address, and email address.

Are You Giving a Brick(s) as a Gift?

After clicking on the button you will be directed to the Alaska Community Foundation website. Enter your "One-Time Donation Amount" and in the "Option Note" field insert the text "Brick Purchase." Proof of your "brick inscription" will be sent to you for approval before installation in the Fall of 2024. Plus a confirmation letter will be sent to confirm your tax-deductible gift.

Make checks out to Alaska Community Foundation, 3201 C Street, Suite 110, Anchorage, AK 99503. All major credit cards are accepted.

Any amount of donation is welcomed.  $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or other.
Your support is very much appreciated. This public art experience will be magical and one to come see!

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